

  • Pupils
  • Teams up to 3 people
  • 2.000 Euro Preisgeld
  • Issuance of certificates



  • Bachelor & Master students
  • Teams up to 3 people
  • 1,500 Euro prize money
  • Crediting in the seminar


  • WiMis and sponsors
  • Teams up to 3 people
  • Non-cash prizes
  • Issuance of certificates


  • Teams
  • Non-cash prizes
  • Issuance of certificates

BBDC @ Cognitive Systems Lab

Welcome to the Bremen Big Data Challenge of the Cognitive Systems Lab (CSL) of the University of Bremen! Since our first BBDC in 2016, we have continuously developed the BBDC. Initially intended exclusively for students, there are now dedicated tracks for pupils (Pupil track) as well as scientific staff and sponsors (professional track).

The Cognitive Systems Lab (CSL, AG Prof. Tanja Schultz) deals with human-centered technologies and applications based on biosignals, such as the acquisition, recognition and interpretation of language, muscle and brain activities. More information: CSL.

The BBDC is organized by the entire team. Contact persons and responsible are:

  1. Tanja Schultz (Head)
  2. Jordan Behrendt, Matthew White, Anthony Mendil, Lourenco Rodriguez, Dashanka De Silva (Student- und Professional-Track)
  3. Hui Liu, Arthur Belousov  (Pupil-Track)

There is something for everyone at BBDC and we are really looking forward to your participation!





Sponsors & Partners

Student & Professional Track

Basic Track


How good are you in the next game?
Bon appetit! How many people are in the cafeteria right now?
Blowing in the wind. How much energy is produced?
Where are you going? Activity detection with portable sensors.
Pick and Place. Lets set a table!
What am I listening to? Audio event detection.
You dropped something! Recover missing Video and MoCap Frames.
Let's go! Extrapolation from 50 years of marine data collection.
Wie geht es dir? Emotionen, Jobs und Messen.